
Monday, July 25, 2011

1st Birthday Blowout = No Crafts for Mommy.

How can I start a blog and then just "go missing" for a few days? That's not responsible blogging at all! I am sure my FOUR followers have been completely distraught looking for me, checking constantly for updates, etc etc. HOWEVER, the search can be called off, here I am, and HERE is my explanation. I am a mama to two SUPER adorable twin boys and those fabulous boys turned ONE this weekend! The first year has been quite the wild ride, and making it through, while still maintaining some degree of sanity, called for a celebration!!! It's as simple as that, mama duties ALWAYS trump "crafty fun time". But, because I know you are here searching for something, some little tidbit or window into someone else's world, I will share with you, "my four", the project that kept me up at night this weekend.....THE CAKE!! It started with an idea and a recipe for marshmallow fondant, continued with a GIANT kitchen mess and a Salvidor Dali-esque cake disaster, and ended with one of the most fun experiences ever - proving, that even when things go wrong, they can still end up "righter" than you ever imagined. ENJOY!

1 comment:

  1. As one of the followers I have been checking for updates! =)

    And looks like the boys enjoyed the cake!


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