
Friday, January 20, 2012

Photo Friday - A Secret Revealed

In my attempt to become not only a better photographer, but to become better at processing my photos, I came across a little Photoshop secret, using action sets to "fix" photos. Action sets make it super simple to tweak your photos and bring out features that otherwise may have gone unnoticed with just the click of a button. A quick online search yields many many results for "photoshop actions" some are free, some are quite pricey. I actually have my eye set on this one, but I just can't justify paying for it quite yet. :~) I did, however find a really nice set through Bloom and Grow Photography which allows me to make my pictures look more refined and, well, pretty. Just to give you an example of what their actions can do, here are a couple of photos - first straight off the camera (SOTC - look at me using the "lingo") and then using some of the Bloom and Grow actions along with my own adjustments. I still have a lot to learn and even now I look at these pictures and I think, "hmmmm, I should have done....", but it's a start. Enjoy.


  1. I use Photoshop daily for work and my on the side photography business. If you're using Photoshop, then just use the Brightness and Contrast. It will clear it up just like you've done above and doesn't cost anything if you already have Photoshop on your computer.

    1. Thankfully I do know how to do many of the more simple things on Photoshop (ie: brightness/ contrast, some color mods, dodge/ blur, filter usage, layering, etc), BUT the actions allow me to do some higher level enhancements that I otherwise wouldn't know how to do (ie: brightening eyes, smoothing skin, sharpening images, etc). I am learning though, so, no doubt soon enough I will be able to do all the fancy schmancy stuff with out purchasing "cheats". :~)


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