
Friday, January 6, 2012

Project 12 - Resolution

Today, I am embarking on a new challenge. A challenge to take and edit photos fitting a given theme for each month in the year of 2012 (WOW! Did I just type 2012?!). I am by no means a photographer, but I have a desire to learn and grow, which has been inspired by the act of watching our boys learn and grow. This month's theme is "resolution" - which is to be interpreted any way I wish. Because it's January and the start of a new year, I chose to interpret resolution the old fashioned way, as a way of stating something I wish to do during the coming year. This month, my resolution is to take more time to PLAY. Enjoy.


  1. That is a super cute little guy you have there! and he will definitely make it easy to achieve your goal!

  2. Haha! Thanks. Although, it's TWO cute kids. :) Twin boys.


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