
Wednesday, January 18, 2012

What I Made Wednesday - Thriftstore Purse Revival

In an attempt to keep up with blogging a bit more, I am really REALLY trying to find a way to become more organized (read: blog more) while still giving myself some breathing room. In addition, I would LOVE love LOVE to find a way to incorporate all of the activities that I, well, LOVE. I realized as of late that this space has become kind of a virtual mish-mash of all of the goings on in my life (recipes, photos, crafts, etc). It was seeming a bit disheveled, but I still liked it. I mean, who wants to have a one track mind, right? ;~) Any-whoo, here is what I am thinking: 

Monday - "Monday Munchies" - This is where I get to incorporate my love of cooking into the blog. Posts might include meal plans, recipes I like (or tried but didn't like), ways to organize family dinners, etc.

Wednesday - "What I Made Wednesday" - I loosely borrowed this idea from Lindsey over at The Pleated Poppy. She includes "What I WORE Wednesday" in her blog, BUT, since no one wants to see a photo collage of me in yoga pants every.single.week, this is where I am going to post about my latest "projects".

Friday - "Photo Friday" - I am NOT a all, but, one of my goals for the year is to make the photos I do take BETTER and the best way to get better at anything is to practice, practice, practice. So, here is where I will share various photo snippets from our little world.

Now that the logistics are out of the way, I welcome you to read my FIRST "What I Made Wednesday". Enjoy

A while back, I picked up a sturdy, yet super 
ugly purse at the Salvation Army for right around
a dollar. When I saw the purse, I thought, "Hmm, I
think I may be able to do something with that!" 
So off I went to the fabric store (this is a no-sew
project, have I mentioned how much sewing scares me?). 
I purchased a quarter yard of jewel-toned fabric,
which I love, so warm and inviting, jewel-tones, and
promptly headed home.
This was really so easy. I laid the purse on the fabric,
traced around the edges with fabric marker, cut out the
fabric and then mod podged it to the purse with a
sponge brush. Yep, you heard me right I MOD-PODGED
the fabric straight onto the purse! Yay, no sewing!
I let the whole thing dry and VOILA, a "new" purse.
It really looks super cute with jeans, boots and a scarf
OR with yoga pants! (haha!)

  PS - I tend to enjoy ugly trendy purses, so you won't hurt my feelings if you are currently screaming "EWWWW!".   :~)

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